200-Hour Tantric Yoga Teacher Training Lead Teachers : Natalie Backman + Chrissie Chung Assistant Teachers : Léa-Claude Blache-...
Objective: Prepare for our time together
Objective: Dates & Times
Objective: How to join our live sessions
Objective: Books you will want to own now and forever
Objective: Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle
Objective: creating a safe virtual space
Objective: Please complete after every practice
Objective: To help you prioritize
Objective: Love all, hate none. Embrace all, exclude none.
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: The first of the daily prayers of the Tradition
Objective: The Vedas, Sāṅkhya + Classical Yoga
Objective: Through the lens of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: Where do we come from, why are we here, where are we going?
Objective: Our deeply cherished root causes of suffering
Objective: The eight limbs of yoga
Objective: A comfortable and steady seat
Objective: A systematic approach to practice
Objective: Preparing the body and the mind
Objective: a focused look at purity according to the Yoga Sutras
Objective: Stage One on the Path of Tantric Yoga
Objective: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Objective: Lead me from darkness to light
Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya + Ishvara Pranidhana
Objective: Austerity destroys impurities
Objective: be in the company of bright beings
Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.
Objective: Self-Inquiry
Objective: An Introduction
Objective: Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda
Objective: Tapas, Smarana + Vinyasa Krama
Objective: It may not be what you think...
Objective: How to Sequence an Impactful Yoga Practice
Objective: an overview
Objective: Bhavana, Asana, Savasana, Pranayama + Meditation
Objective: Understanding the function of each Category
Objective: A general recommendation
Objective: Elements to enhance your experience of Vinyasa Krama
Objective: names + images of 215 asanas
Objective: from a traditional perspective
Objective: Austerity destroys impurities...
Objective: to determine an appropriate practice intended to help you 'shine'
Objective: Stage Two on the Path of Tantric Yoga
Objective: Connecting with students and sages
Objective: Thank you to Indu Arora
Objective: a life free from harm
Objective: Exploring the skeleton
Objective: with Paul Grilley
Objective: The beauty and potential of your breath
Objective: Important bits to know
Objective: The control and communication center
Objective: category of asana
Objective: category of Asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: posture lab
Objective: Sthiram in Practice
Objective: Invoking Sri
Objective: The Sublime World of Tantra
Objective: Bhoga, Apavarga + Bhukti
Objective: awakening the dormant fire within
Objective: For perspective
Objective: Kaula, Samaya + Mishra
Objective: A progressive path
Objective: Resource: my studies with Yogarupa Rod Stryker
Objective: the dawning of higher awareness + expansion
Objective: Illumination + Absorption
Objective: Inhales, Exhales, Retentions + Suspensions
Objective: Work with your mind, not against it
Objective: Building + containing vital energy
Objective: Building and containing vital energy
Objective: Containing our Prana
Objective: What are the most important bits to learn?
Objective: happiness without equal
Objective: introducing the Sukshma Sharira
Objective: The Five Sheaths of Human Existence
Objective: The Channels through which Prana flows
Objective: Vortices of Prāṇaśakti
Objective: Gaining Sensitivity to these Vortices of Energy
Objective: Five 'Winds' of Prana
Objective: The Vayus in practice
Objective: a diagnostic tool for insightful, impactful sequencing
Objective: Mantras, Mudras, Pranayamas + Meditations
Objective: from the perspective of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: Connecting to your Subtle Body through trustful surrender
Objective: complete understanding of the 'why-ness' of birth
Objective: the siddhi of manifestation
Objective: be in the company of bright beings
Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi
Objective: Non-stealing
Objective: Please complete after every practice
Objective: The descent of consciousness into matter
Objective: Samkhya through the lens of the Yoga Sutras
Objective: Who am I? Why am I here?
Objective: the sacred pervades all
Objective: is Śakti female?
Objective: the feminine aspect of the divine : pure power + creative energy
Objective: a deeper understanding
Objective: a brief history
Objective: Be the hero of your own battle
Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya + Ishvara Pranidhana
Objective: Austerity destroys impurities
Objective: be in the company of bright beings
Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.
Objective: Self-Inquiry
Objective: Wise Progression In Practice and Life
Objective: Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda
Objective: Tapas, Smarana + Vinyasa Krama
Objective: It may not be what you think...
Objective: How to Sequence an Impactful Yoga Practice
Objective: an overview
Objective: Bhavana, Asana, Savasana, Pranayama + Meditation
Objective: Understanding the function of each Category
Objective: names + images of 215 asanas
Objective: A general recommendation
Objective: Elements to enhance your experience of Vinyasa Krama
Objective: from a traditional perspective
Objective: Austerity destroys impurities...
Objective: to determine an appropriate practice intended to help you 'shine'
Objective: Invoking Sri
Objective: The Sublime World of Tantra
Objective: Bhoga, Apavarga + Bhukti
Objective: awakening the dormant fire within
Objective: For perspective
Objective: Kaula, Samaya + Mishra
Objective: A progressive path
Objective: Resource: my studies with Yogarupa Rod Stryker
Objective: the dawning of higher awareness + expansion
Objective: Inhales, Exhales, Retentions + Suspensions
Objective: Work with your mind, not against it
Objective: dive in and let go
Objective: Illumination + Absorption
Objective: another way to harness prana
Objective: Building and containing vital energy
Objective: Containing our Prana
Objective: Closing the energetic circuit
Objective: Harness the more subtle aspects of each of the pancha prana vayus
Objective: Integrating all five Vayus for a smooth, serene relationship with Prana.
Objective: Replacing Animosity with Friendliness
Objective: Replacing Cruelty with Compassion
Objective: Replacing Jealousy with Happiness
Objective: Replacing Self-Righteousness with Non-Judgement
Objective: Gathering Details
Objective: Books, Props and more
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice
Objective: Integrating all five Vayus for a smooth, serene relationship with Prana.
Objective: Embodiment through Mantra
Objective: Dates + Times
Objective: The Word is the bridge
Objective: And why is it important?
Objective: Transcendental Truth that chooses to manifest in the form of the Word
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: A Vibrational Language
Objective: How do Mantras work?
Objective: Mother of the Vedas
Objective: Commentary from The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Great Death-Conquering Mantra
Objective: Shedding our Impurities
Objective: ...be my constant protector day by day
Objective: Tips on Mantra Sadhana from Sally Kempton
Objective: Protection through the acceleration
Objective: attending the rhythm of life
Objective: Dates, Times + Zoom Link
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: Mantras are living beings
Objective: Waves of beauty + bliss
Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya, and Ishvara Pranidhana
Objective: Waves of beauty + bliss
Objective: Austerity destroys impurities
Objective: Waves of beauty + bliss
Objective: be in the company of bright beings
Objective: a mantra for nurturing auspicious thoughts
Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.
Objective: Verse One
Objective: Japa is different than chanting... but how?
Objective: Verse Two
Objective: Mantra as a means for overcoming all obstacles
Objective: Verse Three
Objective: How can we receive revelation?
Objective: Verse Four
Objective: Beginning, Middle & The Final Flowering
Objective: Verse Five
Objective: Your Inner Guru & Guide
Objective: Verse Six
Objective: medicine for the mind
Objective: relating with prana
Objective: spiritual alchemy
Objective: Science of the Breath
Objective: according to the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: Prepare for our time together
Objective: Dates & Times
Objective: How to join our live sessions
Objective: Books you will want to own now and forever
Objective: Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle
Objective: creating a safe virtual space
Objective: Please complete after every practice
Objective: preview and navigate this module
Objective: To help you prioritize
Objective: Love all, hate none. Embrace all, exclude none.
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: The first of the daily prayers of the Tradition
Objective: The Vedas, Sāṅkhya + Classical Yoga
Objective: Through the lens of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: Where do we come from, why are we here, where are we going?
Objective: Our deeply cherished root causes of suffering
Objective: The eight limbs of yoga
Objective: A comfortable and steady seat
Objective: A systematic approach to practice
Objective: Preparing the body and the mind
Objective: a focused look at purity according to the Yoga Sutras
Objective: Sthiram in Practice
Objective: Establishing healthy heart rate variability
Objective: For steadiness + ease
Objective: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Objective: Curious about this purification technique? Give it a try!
Objective: Stage One on the Path of Tantric Yoga
Objective: Who is your mentor this month?
Objective: preview and navigate this module
Objective: To help you prioritize
Objective: Lead me from darkness to light
Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya + Ishvara Pranidhana
Objective: Austerity destroys impurities
Objective: be in the company of bright beings
Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.
Objective: Self-Inquiry
Objective: An Introduction
Objective: Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda
Objective: from a traditional perspective
Objective: Tapas, Smarana + Vinyasa Krama
Objective: It may not be what you think...
Objective: How to Sequence an Impactful Yoga Practice
Objective: an overview
Objective: Bhavana, Asana, Savasana, Pranayama + Meditation
Objective: Understanding the function of each Category
Objective: A general recommendation
Objective: Elements to enhance your experience of Vinyasa Krama
Objective: names + images of 215 asanas
Objective: to determine an appropriate practice intended to help you 'shine'
Objective: Stage Two on the Path of Tantric Yoga
Objective: category of Asana
Objective: a category of asana
Objective: Prayatna Shaithilya
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: a category of asana
Objective: Effective Cuing
Objective: preview and navigate this module
Objective: live weekend recordings
Objective: What are the most important bits to learn?
Objective: Connecting with students and sages
Objective: introducing the Sukshma Sharira
Objective: The Five Sheaths of Human Existence
Objective: The Channels through which Sacred Energy Flows
Objective: Vortices of Prāṇaśakti
Objective: Gaining Sensitivity to these Vortices of Energy
Objective: Five 'Winds' of Prana
Objective: The Vayus in practice
Objective: a diagnostic tool for insightful, impactful sequencing
Objective: Mantras, Mudras, Pranayamas + Meditations
Objective: from the perspective of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: posture lab
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: Containing our Prana
Objective: category of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: Connecting to your Subtle Body through trustful surrender
Objective: preview and navigate this module
Objective: What are the most important bits to learn?
Objective: Mother of the Vedas
Objective: So'hum Pranayama
Objective: Resource: The Practice of the Yoga Sutra, Sadhana Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: the inexhaustible elixir of life
Objective: Resources : Swami Rama & Yogarupa Rod Stryker
Objective: the expansion of the life force
Objective: the seven preparatory pranayamas
Objective: Cultivating Pranic Sensitivity
Objective: Resolving tension, revealing prana
Objective: the veil that hides our inner light
Objective: another way to harness prana
Objective: Closing the energetic circuit
Objective: Harness the more subtle aspects of each of the pancha prana vayus
Objective: The descending, eliminative energy, located at the root chakra
Objective: The air that moves away
Objective: The vitalizing/ internalizing force in the heart & head
Objective: Attenuating the Pairs of Opposites through the Breath
Objective: Forward moving air
Objective: To equalize
Objective: The assimilating, centering and balancing force, located in the abdomen
Objective: Balancing air
Objective: Mantra Homework
Objective: The Science of Self Care
Objective: Three primary purposes + gifts of Ayurveda
Objective: Yoga + Ayurveda
Objective: Finding Harmony
Objective: Looking at the Doshas in more detail
Objective: Take the Quiz to Determine Your Ayurvedic Constitution
Objective: How Ayurveda informs our sequencing
Objective: Balancing the symptoms of excessive Vata, Pitta + Kapha
Objective: The importance of digestive fire
Objective: Supporting yourself through food
Objective: Kitcheri, Golden Mylk + Rasayana
Objective: Worshipping your body, accepting and appreciating your physical form exactly as it is.
Objective: Prakruti + Vikruti
Objective: The ascending force located in the throat
Objective: Upward moving air
Objective: To bring back home
Objective: The circulating force, located everywhere, including the heart, arms and legs
Objective: Outward moving air
Objective: Invoking Sri
Objective: The Sublime World of Tantra
Objective: Bhoga, Apavarga + Bhukti
Objective: awakening the dormant fire within
Objective: For perspective
Objective: Kaula, Samaya + Mishra
Objective: A progressive path
Objective: Resource: my studies with Yogarupa Rod Stryker
Objective: Inhales, Exhales, Retentions + Suspensions
Objective: Work with your mind, not against it
Objective: Building + containing vital energy
Objective: Tutorial + Guided Practice
Objective: The importance of knowing your why
Objective: To remember and become re-established in who we truly are
Objective: and how do we experience it?
Objective: Best Friend or Worst Enemy?
Objective: dive in and let go
Objective: Refining our absorption into the absolute
Objective: A Traditional Tantric Meditation
Objective: Steadiness and ease in your meditation seat
Objective: seamless, ceaseless, eternal breath
Objective: the dawning of higher awareness + expansion
Objective: a vigorous pranayama
Objective: another vigorous pranayama
Objective: The great death conquering mantra
Objective: Thank you to Indu Arora
Objective: Exploring the skeleton
Objective: with Paul Grilley
Objective: The beauty and potential of your breath
Objective: Important bits to know
Objective: The control and communication center
Objective: a poem by Marianne Williamson
Objective: The Song of God
Objective: The goal and gift of yoga
Objective: Lasting Fulfillment
Objective: Excerpts from The Four Desires by Rod Stryker
Objective: For the purpose of the Soul
Objective: Three words that express your essence
Objective: a blessing
Objective: Write a poem about your experience of thriving
Objective: Cheers to a life well lived
Objective: Working in partnership with the Divine
Objective: Embracing Limitless Possibility
Objective: Let your loved ones weigh in
Objective: Our soul's innate desire is to thrive.
Objective: a system for gaining clarity created by Rod Stryker
Objective: Contributed by Rod Stryker from his book The Four Desires
Objective: Illumination + Absorption
Objective: a contribution by bell hooks
Objective: From Discipline to Devotion
Objective: Wisdom from the Bhāgavata Purāṇa
Objective: Wisdom from Sally Kempton
Objective: With every breath, I breathe in God’s love
Objective: And why is it important?
Objective: The Word is the bridge
Objective: Transcendental Truth that chooses to manifest in the form of the Word
Objective: A Vibrational Language
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: Shedding our Impurities
Objective: Tips on Mantra Sadhana from Sally Kempton
Objective: attending the rhythm of life
Objective: How can we receive revelation?
Objective: Owning and Living Your Purpose
Objective: as shared by Yogarupa Rod Stryker
Objective: Sthiram in Practice
Objective: Establishing healthy heart rate variability
Objective: For steadiness + ease
Objective: Alternate Nostril Breathing
Objective: Stage One on the Path of Tantric Yoga
Objective: a category of asana
Objective: Prayatna Shaithilya
Objective: a category of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: Gaining Sensitivity to these Vortices of Energy
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: categories of asana
Objective: The air that moves away
Objective: Forward moving air
Objective: Balancing air
Objective: Upward moving air
Objective: You are what you seek.
Objective: What is calling you home?
Objective: Where is tension residing? And what is its nature?
Objective: How at home are you in your body?
Objective: a soft landing
Objective: make of yourself an offering
Objective: power & purification
Objective: Embrace your fullness
Objective: You are eternally protected, guided, and held
Objective: You are eternally new
Objective: What is your current relationship with reality?
Objective: Your humanity is divine.
Objective: Let go with love
Objective: Approaching the threshold of the heart
Objective: Why is it important to you?
Objective: Reaching your inner sanctum
Objective: Know that you are held
Objective: Supported by both the sun and the moon
Objective: What is the message from your heart?
Objective: Nourished, illumined, and made new
Objective: Follow the guidance of your heart
Objective: Embrace all, exclude none
Objective: I see you. I acknowledge you. I accept you. I love you.
Objective: Accessing our inner witness
Objective: Thank you for your service
Objective: There is absolutely nothing wrong in this moment.
Objective: Reactivity is not a problem
Objective: Compassion radiates naturally
Objective: The altar of your heart.
Objective: You will be guided when you are stranded on the path.
Objective: Patience and Trust
Objective: Requesting the company of the Divine
Objective: Ride the waves of life
Objective: The winding path
Objective: With tremendous love
Objective: What is Intimacy?
Objective: What part of the self grants us the capacity for intimacy?
Objective: Intimacy with your breath
Objective: What does the breath grant us access to?
Objective: Who are you, beyond all that you are not?
Objective: Dear Fear...
Objective: What is my anger hiding?
Objective: What might you discover when you turn on the lights?
Objective: What are your distractions distracting you from?
Objective: Where can you extend an olive branch within yourself?
Objective: Experiencing union in life
Objective: Remember who and what you truly are
Objective: Who am I in meditation? How can I continue to be this person in waking life/
Objective: Rest, reflect, and remember
Objective: Retrace the intimate details
Objective: Drawing the mystical realm into your reality
Objective: What is the relationship between safety and intimacy?
Objective: Exploring nurturance
Objective: You are not the weather, you are the sky
Objective: Keep moving
Objective: Know that you are a miracle
Objective: Trust that the seed will bear fruit
Objective: How have I been transformed since I started meditating?
Objective: Create a structure within which you can soar.
Objective: Let the thread of meditation weave its way through your life.
Objective: The one who lives inside you reveals herself in so many ways.
Objective: What you are looking for is what you already are.
Objective: May your practice of meditation unfold joyfully.
Objective: How to Prepare
Objective: Zoom Login Details
Objective: Books, props + more
Objective: Engaging with life 'properly'
Objective: Wisdom from Sally Kempton
Objective: Wisdom from Sally Kempton
Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice
Objective: a practice of vairagya, non attachment
Objective: Daily Prayers
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: Invoking auspiciousness
Objective: The Potency of the Sri Sukta
Objective: Waves of beauty & bliss
Objective: The soul of meditation is the power of mantra
Objective: Experience the fullness of life
Objective: The forces of abundance have always been with us.
Objective: Living in this world is a blessing.
Objective: Sri Sukta is a practice of inner awakening and unfoldment.
Objective: Understanding Poverty
Objective: Sri Lakshmi
Objective: The Manifestation of the Goddess of Abundance
Objective: The resplendent pulsation of the divine
Objective: The tree of our life has been planted by higher reality
Objective: Prosperity emerging from the mantric shakti of Sri Sukta...
Objective: a note from Sally Kempton
Objective: The inner world is filled with a loving presence.
Objective: We meditate to know ourselves
Objective: Meditation is best undertaken with love.
Objective: Even a slight spark of interest is enough.
Objective: Discover how to awaken your love for meditation.
Objective: There is only your unfolding inner awareness.
Objective: Be drunk with the wine of divine love.
Objective: We truly want joy in meditation.
Objective: It's enormously important to understand your goal.
Objective: 'Knowing the Self means being the Self.'
Objective: The inner world is filled with loving Presence.
Objective: When you touch the inner Knower, you touch your essence.
Objective: That awareness of being is utterly impersonal.
Objective: How to Prepare
Objective: Books, props + more
Objective: Zoom Login Details
Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice
Objective: Engaging with life 'properly'
Objective: Daily Prayers
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: Introducing Sutra 1:20
Objective: more from Sutra 1:20
Objective: Avidya
Objective: How to Prepare
Objective: Books, Props and more
Objective: Zoom Login Details
Objective: Engaging with life 'properly'
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: Mother of the Vedas
Objective: The Great Death-Conquering Mantra
Objective: ...be my constant protector day by day
Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice
Objective: Asana, Savasana + Vishoka Meditation
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: Preface of Vishoka Meditation by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Objective: How to Prepare
Objective: Books, props + more
Objective: Wisdom from Goldmining the Shadows by Pixie Lighthorse
Objective: Honor your healing
Objective: Zoom Login Details
Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice
Objective: compassion is the remedy
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: How Shadows Are Made
Objective: Self Regulation
Objective: Belonging + Connection
Objective: Shadow's Specialties
Objective: Unrelenting Voices
Objective: Masking Pain
Objective: Ears Up for Self-Talk
Objective: No Place Like Home
Objective: Call It What It Is
Objective: Dissociation
Objective: Guilt + Shame
Objective: Sabotage
Objective: Feel It to Heal It
Objective: How You Know
Objective: An Eye For Treasure
Objective: Excruciating Vulnerability
Objective: Unbearable Discomfort
Objective: False Comfort
Objective: Self Loathing
Objective: The Rage of Self-Betrayal
Objective: Objectification
Objective: What the Shadow is Hungry For
Objective: Injured Pride
Objective: Spiritual Battles
Objective: The Return of Vitality
Objective: Relationship Improvements
Objective: Me and We
Objective: Brightening
Objective: Let your Shadow inform your Light
Objective: Gathering Details
Objective: Books, Props and more
Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Objective: For ease in daily recitation...
Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice