Courses in this Program:

Lessons in Śakti Sādhanā Foundational Teacher Training:

  1. 1 Welcome to Śakti Sādhanā

    Objective: Prepare for our time together

  2. 2 Schedule

    Objective: Dates & Times

  3. 3 Gathering Details

    Objective: How to join our live sessions

  4. 4 Retreat in Tuscany

  5. 5 Recommended Reading List

    Objective: Books you will want to own now and forever

  6. 6 Laying a Healthy Foundation

    Objective: Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  7. 7 Optimizing our Virtual Training

    Objective: creating a safe virtual space

  8. 8 Practice Reflections

    Objective: Please complete after every practice

  9. 9 Strength & Grace : 6 October

  10. 10 Purify the Body & Mind : 13 October

  11. 11 Discipline & Devotion : 27 October

  12. 12 Moving Inward : 3 November

  13. 13 Approaching the Void : 10 November

  14. 14 Lean Into Delight : 17 November

  15. 15 Freedom for All : 24 November

  16. 16 Being Breathed : 1 December

  17. 17 Expand : 5 January

  18. 18 Effort & Surrender : 12 January

  19. 19 Remain in the World : 19 January

  20. 20 Enjoy the Moment : 26 January

  21. 21 Embrace All : 2 February

  22. 22 Sacred Inclusivity : 9 February

  23. 23 Recordings of Live Sessions

  24. 24 Key Concepts and Reflection Questions

    Objective: To help you prioritize

  25. 25 The Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Love all, hate none. Embrace all, exclude none.

  26. 26 Daily Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  27. 27 The Guru Mantra

    Objective: The first of the daily prayers of the Tradition

  28. 28 The Wisdom Body

    Objective: The Vedas, Sāṅkhya + Classical Yoga

  29. 29 What is Yoga?

    Objective: Through the lens of the Himalayan Tradition

  30. 30 Sāṅkhya Yoga + Sri Vidya

    Objective: Where do we come from, why are we here, where are we going?

  31. 31 The Kleśas

    Objective: Our deeply cherished root causes of suffering

  32. 32 Aṣtau Aṅgāni

    Objective: The eight limbs of yoga

  33. 33 Exploring Asana

    Objective: A comfortable and steady seat

  34. 34 The Path of Tantric Yoga

    Objective: A systematic approach to practice

  35. 35 Stage One of the Path : Purification

    Objective: Preparing the body and the mind

  36. 36 Śaucha

    Objective: a focused look at purity according to the Yoga Sutras

  37. 37 Complete Practice : Purify

    Objective: Stage One on the Path of Tantric Yoga

  38. 38 Tutorial : Diaphragmatic Breath

  39. 39 Tutorial : Nadi Shodhana

    Objective: Alternate Nostril Breathing

  40. 40 Using a Neti Pot

  41. 41 Practice Reflection

  42. 42 Knowledge Assessment

  43. 43 Recordings of Live Sessions

  44. 44 The Pavamana Mantra

    Objective: Lead me from darkness to light

  45. 45 Kriya Yoga

    Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya + Ishvara Pranidhana

  46. 46 Tapas

    Objective: Austerity destroys impurities

  47. 47 Svadhyaya

    Objective: be in the company of bright beings

  48. 48 Ishvara Pranidhana

    Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.

  49. 49 The Impact of Successful Sequencing

    Objective: Self-Inquiry

  50. 50 Vinyasa Krama

    Objective: An Introduction

  51. 51 The Three Rivers of Knowledge

    Objective: Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda

  52. 52 The Three Touchstones of a Tantric Hatha Practice

    Objective: Tapas, Smarana + Vinyasa Krama

  53. 53 The Aim of a Vinyasa Krama Practice

    Objective: It may not be what you think...

  54. 54 Principles of Sequencing

    Objective: How to Sequence an Impactful Yoga Practice

  55. 55 Considerations for Sequencing a Complete Practice

    Objective: an overview

  56. 56 The Five Essentials of A Complete Practice

    Objective: Bhavana, Asana, Savasana, Pranayama + Meditation

  57. 57 Categories of Asana

    Objective: Understanding the function of each Category

  58. 58 Template for a Complete Practice

    Objective: A general recommendation

  59. 59 Additional Elements to Explore

    Objective: Elements to enhance your experience of Vinyasa Krama

  60. 60 A list of Asanas

    Objective: names + images of 215 asanas

  61. 61 What is Hatha?

    Objective: from a traditional perspective

  62. 62 Tapas : Burning Through Resistance

    Objective: Austerity destroys impurities...

  63. 63 Tapas : Self-Assessment

    Objective: to determine an appropriate practice intended to help you 'shine'

  64. 64 Stage Two on the Path : Strength

    Objective: Stage Two on the Path of Tantric Yoga

  65. 65 Systematic Relaxation : Independent Practice

  66. 66 Practice Reflections

  67. 67 Knowledge Assessment

  68. 68 Recordings of Live Sessions

  69. 69 The Saha Nāvavatu Mantra

    Objective: Connecting with students and sages

  70. 70 Alignment in Asana

    Objective: Thank you to Indu Arora

  71. 71 Ahimsa - Non violence

    Objective: a life free from harm

  72. 72 The Bare Bones of Yoga

    Objective: Exploring the skeleton

  73. 73 Anatomy for Yoga

    Objective: with Paul Grilley

  74. 74 The Respiratory System

    Objective: The beauty and potential of your breath

  75. 75 Anatomy of the Brain

    Objective: Important bits to know

  76. 76 Light in the Spine

  77. 77 On Your Nerves

    Objective: The control and communication center

  78. 78 Asana Lab : Extensions

    Objective: category of asana

  79. 79 Asana Lab : Forward Folds

    Objective: category of Asana

  80. 80 Asana Lab : Twists

    Objective: categories of asana

  81. 81 Asana Lab : Backbends

    Objective: categories of asana

  82. 82 Asana Lab : Laterals

    Objective: categories of asana

  83. 83 Asana Lab : Inversions

    Objective: categories of asana

  84. 84 Tutorial : Headstand + Shoulder Stand

    Objective: posture lab

  85. 85 Complete Practice : Stability

    Objective: Sthiram in Practice

  86. 86 Practice Reflections

  87. 87 Knowledge Assessment

  88. 88 Recordings of Live Sessions

  89. 89 Paraśakti Invocation

    Objective: Invoking Sri

  90. 90 What is Tantra?

    Objective: The Sublime World of Tantra

  91. 91 The Tenets of Tantra

    Objective: Bhoga, Apavarga + Bhukti

  92. 92 Śakti Sādhanā

    Objective: awakening the dormant fire within

  93. 93 Historical Overview of Tantra

    Objective: For perspective

  94. 94 The Schools of Traditional Tantra

    Objective: Kaula, Samaya + Mishra

  95. 95 The Path of Tantric Hatha Yoga : Moon, Sun, Fire

    Objective: A progressive path

  96. 96 Engaging with the Moon

    Objective: Resource: my studies with Yogarupa Rod Stryker

  97. 97 Engaging with the Sun

    Objective: the dawning of higher awareness + expansion

  98. 98 Engaging with the Fire

    Objective: Illumination + Absorption

  99. 99 The Role of the Breath

    Objective: Inhales, Exhales, Retentions + Suspensions

  100. 100 The Tantric Approach to Meditation

    Objective: Work with your mind, not against it

  101. 101 Introducing Bandhas

    Objective: Building + containing vital energy

  102. 102 Developing Bandhas

    Objective: Building and containing vital energy

  103. 103 Tutorial : Jalandhara Bandha

    Objective: Containing our Prana

  104. 104 Tutorial : Uddiyana Bandha

  105. 105 Tutorial : Mula Bandha

  106. 106 Brahmacharya - Moderation of sense pleasure

  107. 107 Agni Sara

  108. 108 Practice Reflections

  109. 109 Knowledge Assessment

  110. 110 Recordings of Live Sessions

  111. 111 Key Concepts and Reflection Questions

    Objective: What are the most important bits to learn?

  112. 112 Santosha - Contentment

    Objective: happiness without equal

  113. 113 What is the Subtle Body?

    Objective: introducing the Sukshma Sharira

  114. 114 The Koshas

    Objective: The Five Sheaths of Human Existence

  115. 115 The Nadis

    Objective: The Channels through which Prana flows

  116. 116 The Cakras

    Objective: Vortices of Prāṇaśakti

  117. 117 Cakra Awareness : An Independent Practice

    Objective: Gaining Sensitivity to these Vortices of Energy

  118. 118 The Pancha Prana Vayus

    Objective: Five 'Winds' of Prana

  119. 119 Additional Insight on the Vayus

    Objective: The Vayus in practice

  120. 120 Prana Vayu Observation Technique

    Objective: a diagnostic tool for insightful, impactful sequencing

  121. 121 Prana Vayus and Vinyasa Krama

    Objective: Mantras, Mudras, Pranayamas + Meditations

  122. 122 Introduction to Kundalini

    Objective: from the perspective of the Himalayan Tradition

  123. 123 Independent Practice : 75-Breaths

    Objective: Connecting to your Subtle Body through trustful surrender

  124. 124 Practice Reflections

  125. 125 Knowledge Assessment

  126. 126 Recordings of Live Sessions

  127. 127 Aparigraha - Non posessiveness

    Objective: complete understanding of the 'why-ness' of birth

  128. 128 Practice Reflections

  129. 129 Recordings of Live Sessions

  130. 130 Satya - Truthfulness

    Objective: the siddhi of manifestation

  131. 131 Practice Reflections

  132. 132 Knowledge Assessment

  133. 133 Recordings of Live Sessions

  134. 134 Svadhyaya - Self-study

    Objective: be in the company of bright beings

  135. 135 Practice Reflections

  136. 136 Recordings of Live Sessions

  137. 137 Ishvara Pranidhana - Trustful surrender to the divine

    Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi

  138. 138 Practice Reflections

  139. 139 Recordings of Live Sessions

  140. 140 Asteya - Non stealing

    Objective: Non-stealing

  141. 141 Practice Reflections

  142. 142 Experience the Essence : 16 February

Lessons in Embodied Śakti Advanced Teacher Training:

  1. 1 Welcome to Embodied Śakti

  2. 2 Engaging with Course Content

  3. 3 Schedule

  4. 4 Retreat in Tuscany

  5. 5 All Zoom Gathering Details

  6. 6 How to Prepare

  7. 7 Recommended Reading List

  8. 8 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  9. 9 Optimize our Virtual Training

  10. 10 Practice Reflections

    Objective: Please complete after every practice

  11. 11 Strength & Grace : 6 October

  12. 12 Purify the Body & Mind : 13 October

  13. 13 Discipline & Devotion : 27 October

  14. 14 Moving Inward : 3 November

  15. 15 Approaching the Void : 10 November

  16. 16 Lean Into Delight : 17 November

  17. 17 Freedom for All : 24 November

  18. 18 Being Breathed : 1 December

  19. 19 Expand : 5 January

  20. 20 Effort & Surrender : 12 January

  21. 21 Remain in the World : 19 January

  22. 22 Enjoy the Moment : 26 January

  23. 23 Embrace All : 2 February

  24. 24 Sacred Inclusivity : 9 February

  25. 25 Recordings of Live Sessions

  26. 26 Overview of Samkhya Philosophy

    Objective: The descent of consciousness into matter

  27. 27 Samkhya In The Yoga Sutras

    Objective: Samkhya through the lens of the Yoga Sutras

  28. 28 The Tantric Samkhya Model

    Objective: Who am I? Why am I here?

  29. 29 The Tantric Worldview

    Objective: the sacred pervades all

  30. 30 Śaktism

    Objective: is Śakti female?

  31. 31 What is Śakti?

    Objective: the feminine aspect of the divine : pure power + creative energy

  32. 32 The Forces of Śakti

    Objective: a deeper understanding

  33. 33 Cultural + Historical Backdrop

    Objective: a brief history

  34. 34 Origins and Structure of the Devimahatmya

  35. 35 Your Personal Mythology

    Objective: Be the hero of your own battle

  36. 36 Aparajita Stuti

  37. 37 Chaos and Compassion

  38. 38 Recordings of Live Sessions

  39. 39 Kriya Yoga

    Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya + Ishvara Pranidhana

  40. 40 Tapas

    Objective: Austerity destroys impurities

  41. 41 Svadhyaya

    Objective: be in the company of bright beings

  42. 42 Ishvara Pranidhana

    Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.

  43. 43 The Impact of Successful Sequencing

    Objective: Self-Inquiry

  44. 44 Vinyasa Krama

    Objective: Wise Progression In Practice and Life

  45. 45 The Three Rivers of Knowledge

    Objective: Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda

  46. 46 The Three Touchstones of a Tantric Hatha Practice

    Objective: Tapas, Smarana + Vinyasa Krama

  47. 47 The Aim of a Vinyasa Krama Practice

    Objective: It may not be what you think...

  48. 48 Principles of Sequencing

    Objective: How to Sequence an Impactful Yoga Practice

  49. 49 Considerations for Sequencing a Complete Practice

    Objective: an overview

  50. 50 The Five Essentials of A Complete Practice

    Objective: Bhavana, Asana, Savasana, Pranayama + Meditation

  51. 51 Categories of Asana

    Objective: Understanding the function of each Category

  52. 52 A list of Asanas

    Objective: names + images of 215 asanas

  53. 53 Template for a Complete Practice

    Objective: A general recommendation

  54. 54 Additional Elements to Explore

    Objective: Elements to enhance your experience of Vinyasa Krama

  55. 55 Energetics

  56. 56 What is Hatha?

    Objective: from a traditional perspective

  57. 57 Tapas : Burning Through Resistance

    Objective: Austerity destroys impurities...

  58. 58 Tapas : Self-Assessment

    Objective: to determine an appropriate practice intended to help you 'shine'

  59. 59 Practice Reflections

  60. 60 Recordings of Live Sessions

  61. 61 Paraśakti Invocation

    Objective: Invoking Sri

  62. 62 What is Tantra?

    Objective: The Sublime World of Tantra

  63. 63 The Tenets of Tantra

    Objective: Bhoga, Apavarga + Bhukti

  64. 64 Śakti Sādhanā

    Objective: awakening the dormant fire within

  65. 65 Historical Overview of Tantra

    Objective: For perspective

  66. 66 Schools of Traditional Tantra

    Objective: Kaula, Samaya + Mishra

  67. 67 The Path of Tantric Hatha Yoga : Moon, Sun, Fire

    Objective: A progressive path

  68. 68 Engaging with the Moon

    Objective: Resource: my studies with Yogarupa Rod Stryker

  69. 69 Engaging with the Sun

    Objective: the dawning of higher awareness + expansion

  70. 70 The Role of the Breath

    Objective: Inhales, Exhales, Retentions + Suspensions

  71. 71 The Tantric Approach to Meditation

    Objective: Work with your mind, not against it

  72. 72 Practice Reflections

  73. 73 Recordings of Live Sessions

  74. 74 Introducing Abhyasa & Vairagya

    Objective: dive in and let go

  75. 75 Samskaras & Vasanas

  76. 76 Ardent Self Effort

  77. 77 Prana Vidya

  78. 78 Uniting the Mind & Breath

  79. 79 Remaining Diligent

  80. 80 Letting Go

  81. 81 Non-Attachment & Spiritual Liberation

  82. 82 Brahmacharya - Moderation of Sensory Indulgence

  83. 83 Tutorial : Agni Sara

  84. 84 Practice Reflections

  85. 85 Engaging with the Fire

    Objective: Illumination + Absorption

  86. 86 Introducing Bandhas

    Objective: another way to harness prana

  87. 87 Developing Bandhas

    Objective: Building and containing vital energy

  88. 88 Jalandhara Bandha

    Objective: Containing our Prana

  89. 89 Uddiyana Bandha

  90. 90 Mula Bandha

  91. 91 Further Refinement with Bandhas

  92. 92 Kumbhaka

  93. 93 Why Retain the Breath?

  94. 94 A Practice of Kumbhaka

  95. 95 Tutorial : Kumbhaka in Asana

  96. 96 Tutorial : Mantra in Asana

  97. 97 Sequencing for the Vayus

  98. 98 Prana Vayus and Vinyasa Krama

  99. 99 Utilizing Mudras

    Objective: Closing the energetic circuit

  100. 100 Sequencing with Mudra

  101. 101 Prana Vayu Mantras & Mudras

    Objective: Harness the more subtle aspects of each of the pancha prana vayus

  102. 102 Working with the Prana Vayus

    Objective: Integrating all five Vayus for a smooth, serene relationship with Prana.

  103. 103 Practice Reflections

  104. 104 Experience the Essence : 16 February

Lessons in WE RISE life is beautiful:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE

  2. 2 Gathering Details

  3. 3 Support your Practice

  4. 4 Find your Resolve

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Daily Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Daily Recitation

  8. 8 Day One

  9. 9 Day Two

  10. 10 Day Three

  11. 11 Day Four

  12. 12 Day Five

  13. 13 Day Six

  14. 14 Day Seven

  15. 15 Day Eight

  16. 16 Day Nine

  17. 17 Day Ten

  18. 18 Day Eleven

  19. 19 Day Twelve

  20. 20 Day Thirteen

  21. 21 Day Fourteen

  22. 22 Day Fifteen

  23. 23 Day Sixteen

  24. 24 Day Seventeen

  25. 25 Day Eighteen

  26. 26 Day Nineteen

  27. 27 Life is Beautiful

Lessons in Sutra Satsanga:

  1. 1 Gathering Details

  2. 2 Catch Up...

  3. 3 Sutra 1:12

  4. 4 Sutra 1:13

  5. 5 Sutra 1:14

  6. 6 Sutra 1:15

  7. 7 Sutra 1:16

  8. 8 Sutra 1:17

  9. 9 Sutra 1:18

  10. 10 Sutra 1:19

  11. 11 Sutra 1:20

  12. 12 Sutra 1:21

  13. 13 Sutra 1:22

  14. 14 Sutra 1:23

  15. 15 Sutra 1:24

  16. 16 Sutra 1:25

  17. 17 Sutra 1:26

  18. 18 Sutra 1:27

  19. 19 Sutra 1:28

  20. 20 Sutra 1:29

  21. 21 Sutra 1:30

  22. 22 Sutra 1:31

  23. 23 Sutra 1:32

  24. 24 Sutra 1:33

    Objective: Replacing Animosity with Friendliness

  25. 25 Sutra 1:34

  26. 26 Sutra 1:35

  27. 27 Sutra 1:36

  28. 28 Sutra 1:33

    Objective: Replacing Cruelty with Compassion

  29. 29 Sutra 1:33

    Objective: Replacing Jealousy with Happiness

  30. 30 Sutra 1:33

    Objective: Replacing Self-Righteousness with Non-Judgement

Lessons in Vishoka Meditation® Course:

  1. 1 Gathering Details

    Objective: Gathering Details

  2. 2 Resources

    Objective: Books, Props and more

  3. 3 Prayers of the Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  4. 4 Prayers for Daily Recitation

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  5. 5 Sadhana Sankalpa

    Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice

Lessons in Power and Flow:

  1. 1 Welcome

  2. 2 How to Prepare

  3. 3 Course Schedule

  4. 4 Virtual Gathering Details

  5. 5 Introduction to the Pranavayus

  6. 6 Observing the Pranavayus

  7. 7 Apana Vayu

  8. 8 Prana Vayu

  9. 9 Samana Vayu

  10. 10 Udana Vayu

  11. 11 Vyana Vayu

  12. 12 Prayer of the Pancha Pranavayus

    Objective: Integrating all five Vayus for a smooth, serene relationship with Prana.

Lessons in Mystical Mantra Stage One:

  1. 1 Introduction

    Objective: Embodiment through Mantra

  2. 2 When + How we will Gather

    Objective: Dates + Times

  3. 3 Why Mantra?

    Objective: The Word is the bridge

  4. 4 What is Mantra?

    Objective: And why is it important?

  5. 5 The Divine Word

    Objective: Transcendental Truth that chooses to manifest in the form of the Word

  6. 6 Daily Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Prayers + Mantras for Recitation

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  8. 8 Sanskrit

    Objective: A Vibrational Language

  9. 9 Ishvara, Om and Pranava

    Objective: How do Mantras work?

  10. 10 The Gāyatrī Mantra

    Objective: Mother of the Vedas

  11. 11 Meditation on Mantra and Mantra Japa

    Objective: Commentary from The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  12. 12 The Mahāmṛtyuñjaya Mantra

    Objective: The Great Death-Conquering Mantra

  13. 13 Preparing for Mantra Sadhana

    Objective: Shedding our Impurities

  14. 14 Viśve Deva Sūkta

    Objective: my constant protector day by day

  15. 15 The Essential Bhava

    Objective: Tips on Mantra Sadhana from Sally Kempton

  16. 16 Sweeping Your Heart with Mantra

    Objective: Protection through the acceleration

  17. 17 So'ham

    Objective: attending the rhythm of life

Lessons in Mystical Mantra Stage Two:

  1. 1 When + How we will Gather

    Objective: Dates, Times + Zoom Link

  2. 2 Daily Recitation Practice

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  3. 3 Experiencing Mantra

    Objective: Mantras are living beings

  4. 4 Saundaryalahari Verse One

    Objective: Waves of beauty + bliss

  5. 5 Kriya Yoga

    Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya, and Ishvara Pranidhana

  6. 6 Saundaryalahari Verse III

    Objective: Waves of beauty + bliss

  7. 7 Tapas

    Objective: Austerity destroys impurities

  8. 8 Saundaryalahari Verse VIII

    Objective: Waves of beauty + bliss

  9. 9 Svadhyaya

    Objective: be in the company of bright beings

  10. 10 Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: a mantra for nurturing auspicious thoughts

  11. 11 Ishvara Pranidhana

    Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.

  12. 12 The Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: Verse One

  13. 13 Meditation on Mantra + Mantra Japa

    Objective: Japa is different than chanting... but how?

  14. 14 The Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: Verse Two

  15. 15 Meditation on one Single Reality

    Objective: Mantra as a means for overcoming all obstacles

  16. 16 The Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: Verse Three

  17. 17 Finding a Teacher

    Objective: How can we receive revelation?

  18. 18 The Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: Verse Four

  19. 19 Stages on the Path

    Objective: Beginning, Middle & The Final Flowering

  20. 20 The Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: Verse Five

  21. 21 The Teacher Within

    Objective: Your Inner Guru & Guide

  22. 22 The Śiva Saṅkalpa Sūktam

    Objective: Verse Six

Lessons in The Tantric Path in Practice:

  1. 1 Welcome to the Tantric Path

  2. 2 What is Tantra?

  3. 3 How to Prepare

  4. 4 Pranayama + Meditation

  5. 5 Purify Body & Mind

  6. 6 Strengthen Body & Mind

  7. 7 A little about the Moon

    Objective: medicine for the mind

  8. 8 Introducing the Sun

    Objective: relating with prana

  9. 9 Playing with Fire

    Objective: spiritual alchemy

  10. 10 Purify

  11. 11 Strengthen

  12. 12 Moon

  13. 13 Sun

  14. 14 Fire

  15. 15 Purify

  16. 16 Strengthen

  17. 17 Moon

  18. 18 Sun

  19. 19 Fire

  20. 20 Purify

  21. 21 Strengthen

  22. 22 Moon

  23. 23 Sun

  24. 24 Fire

  25. 25 Purify

  26. 26 Strengthen

  27. 27 Moon

  28. 28 Sun

  29. 29 Fire

Lessons in Pranaśakti:

  1. 1 Welcome to Pranaśakti

  2. 2 How to Prepare

  3. 3 Svarodaya

    Objective: Science of the Breath

  4. 4 What is Prana?

    Objective: according to the Himalayan Tradition

  5. 5 Regulating our Breath

  6. 6 Self Guided Intelligence

  7. 7 Calm Breath, Calm Life

  8. 8 Five Qualities of Healthy Breathing

  9. 9 Puraka & Rechaka

  10. 10 So'hum Pranayama

  11. 11 Asana & Pranayama

  12. 12 Asana & Pranic Sensitivity

  13. 13 Relaxation & Pranic Sensitivity

  14. 14 A Practice of Systematic Relaxation

  15. 15 Progression of Pranic Sensitivity

  16. 16 Prana Anusandhana

  17. 17 Alternate Nostril Breathing

  18. 18 A Practice of Nadi Shodhana

  19. 19 Simple Aharana

  20. 20 Simple Samikarana

  21. 21 Dhirga Prashvasa Pranayama

  22. 22 Churning Prana

  23. 23 Kapalabhati & Bhastrika

  24. 24 Pranaśakti

  25. 25 Introducing Ujjayi

  26. 26 Anuloma Stage I

  27. 27 Viloma Stage I

  28. 28 Pratiloma Stage I

  29. 29 Anuloma Stage II

  30. 30 Viloma Stage II

  31. 31 Pratiloma Stage II

  32. 32 Anuloma Stage III

  33. 33 Viloma Stage III

  34. 34 Pratiloma Stage III

  35. 35 A Vigorous Practice of Pranayama

  36. 36 Avidya

Lessons in Enliven Prana:

  1. 1 Welcome to Enliven Prana

  2. 2 How to Prepare for this Course

  3. 3 Zoom Gathering Details

  4. 4 What is Prana?

  5. 5 What are the Prana Vayus?

  6. 6 Day One : Prana Vayu

  7. 7 Day Two : Samana Vayu

  8. 8 Day Three : Apana Vayu

  9. 9 Day Four : Udana Vayu

  10. 10 Day Five : Vyana Vayu

Lessons in Śakti Sādhanā 2023:

  1. 1 Welcome to Śakti Sādhanā

    Objective: Prepare for our time together

  2. 2 Schedule

    Objective: Dates & Times

  3. 3 Zoom Details

    Objective: How to join our live sessions

  4. 4 Recommended Reading List

    Objective: Books you will want to own now and forever

  5. 5 Laying a Healthy Foundation

    Objective: Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Optimizing our Virtual Training

    Objective: creating a safe virtual space

  7. 7 Practice Reflections

    Objective: Please complete after every practice

  8. 8 Module Content Links

    Objective: preview and navigate this module

  9. 9 Key Concepts and Reflection Questions

    Objective: To help you prioritize

  10. 10 Recordings of Live Sessions

  11. 11 The Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Love all, hate none. Embrace all, exclude none.

  12. 12 Daily Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  13. 13 The Guru Mantra

    Objective: The first of the daily prayers of the Tradition

  14. 14 The Wisdom Body

    Objective: The Vedas, Sāṅkhya + Classical Yoga

  15. 15 What is Yoga?

    Objective: Through the lens of the Himalayan Tradition

  16. 16 Sāṅkhya Yoga + Sri Vidya

    Objective: Where do we come from, why are we here, where are we going?

  17. 17 The Kleśas

    Objective: Our deeply cherished root causes of suffering

  18. 18 Aṣtau Aṅgāni

    Objective: The eight limbs of yoga

  19. 19 Exploring Asana

    Objective: A comfortable and steady seat

  20. 20 The Path of Tantric Yoga

    Objective: A systematic approach to practice

  21. 21 Stage One of the Path : Purification

    Objective: Preparing the body and the mind

  22. 22 Śaucha

    Objective: a focused look at purity according to the Yoga Sutras

  23. 23 Tutorial : Diaphragmatic Breath

  24. 24 Complete Practice : Stability

    Objective: Sthiram in Practice

  25. 25 Tutorial : Healthy Breathing

  26. 26 Complete Practice : Ease

  27. 27 Tutorial : Sama Vritti

    Objective: Establishing healthy heart rate variability

  28. 28 Complete Practice : Steadiness + Ease

    Objective: For steadiness + ease

  29. 29 Tutorial : Nadi Shodhana

    Objective: Alternate Nostril Breathing

  30. 30 Neti Pot Demonstration

    Objective: Curious about this purification technique? Give it a try!

  31. 31 Complete Practice : Purify

    Objective: Stage One on the Path of Tantric Yoga

  32. 32 Teaching Skills : Session One

  33. 33 Practice Reflections

  34. 34 Module One Knowledge Assessment

  35. 35 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

    Objective: Who is your mentor this month?

  36. 36 Module Content Links

    Objective: preview and navigate this module

  37. 37 Key Concepts and Reflection Questions

    Objective: To help you prioritize

  38. 38 Recordings of Live Sessions

  39. 39 The Pavamana Mantra

    Objective: Lead me from darkness to light

  40. 40 Kriya Yoga

    Objective: Tapas, Svadhyaya + Ishvara Pranidhana

  41. 41 Tapas

    Objective: Austerity destroys impurities

  42. 42 Svadhyaya

    Objective: be in the company of bright beings

  43. 43 Ishvara Pranidhana

    Objective: From trustful surrender to Ishvara comes samadhi.

  44. 44 The Impact of Successful Sequencing

    Objective: Self-Inquiry

  45. 45 Vinyasa Krama

    Objective: An Introduction

  46. 46 The Three Rivers of Knowledge

    Objective: Tantra, Yoga, and Ayurveda

  47. 47 What is Hatha?

    Objective: from a traditional perspective

  48. 48 The Three Touchstones of a Tantric Hatha Practice

    Objective: Tapas, Smarana + Vinyasa Krama

  49. 49 The Aim of a Vinyasa Krama Practice

    Objective: It may not be what you think...

  50. 50 Principles of Sequencing

    Objective: How to Sequence an Impactful Yoga Practice

  51. 51 Considerations for Sequencing a Practice

    Objective: an overview

  52. 52 The Five Essentials of A Complete Practice

    Objective: Bhavana, Asana, Savasana, Pranayama + Meditation

  53. 53 Categories of Asana

    Objective: Understanding the function of each Category

  54. 54 Template for a Complete Practice

    Objective: A general recommendation

  55. 55 Additional Elements to Explore

    Objective: Elements to enhance your experience of Vinyasa Krama

  56. 56 A list of Asanas

    Objective: names + images of 215 asanas

  57. 57 Weekend Recap

  58. 58 Tapas : Self-Assessment

    Objective: to determine an appropriate practice intended to help you 'shine'

  59. 59 Tutorial : Ujjayi

  60. 60 Stage Two on the Path : Preparation: Strength

    Objective: Stage Two on the Path of Tantric Yoga

  61. 61 Complete Practice : Strengthen

  62. 62 Asana Lab : Forward Folds

    Objective: category of Asana

  63. 63 Tutorial : Building Exhale

  64. 64 Complete Practice : Forward Folds

    Objective: a category of asana

  65. 65 Systematic Relaxation : Independent Practice

  66. 66 Complete Practice : Effortless Effort

    Objective: Prayatna Shaithilya

  67. 67 Asana Lab : Twists

    Objective: categories of asana

  68. 68 Complete Practice : Twists

    Objective: a category of asana

  69. 69 Teaching Skills : Session Two

    Objective: Effective Cuing

  70. 70 Practice Reflections

  71. 71 Knowledge Assessment

  72. 72 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  73. 73 Homework : Creating an Outline

  74. 74 Module Content Links

    Objective: preview and navigate this module

  75. 75 Recordings of Live Sessions

    Objective: live weekend recordings

  76. 76 Key Concepts and Reflection Questions

    Objective: What are the most important bits to learn?

  77. 77 The Saha Nāvavatu Mantra

    Objective: Connecting with students and sages

  78. 78 What is the Subtle Body?

    Objective: introducing the Sukshma Sharira

  79. 79 The Koshas

    Objective: The Five Sheaths of Human Existence

  80. 80 The Nadis

    Objective: The Channels through which Sacred Energy Flows

  81. 81 The Cakras

    Objective: Vortices of Prāṇaśakti

  82. 82 Cakra Awareness : An Independent Practice

    Objective: Gaining Sensitivity to these Vortices of Energy

  83. 83 The Pancha Prana Vayus

    Objective: Five 'Winds' of Prana

  84. 84 Additional Insight on the Vayus

    Objective: The Vayus in practice

  85. 85 Prana Vayu Observation Technique

    Objective: a diagnostic tool for insightful, impactful sequencing

  86. 86 Prana Vayus and Vinyasa Krama

    Objective: Mantras, Mudras, Pranayamas + Meditations

  87. 87 Introduction to Kundalini

    Objective: from the perspective of the Himalayan Tradition

  88. 88 Asana Lab : Backbends

    Objective: categories of asana

  89. 89 Tutorial : Building Inhale

  90. 90 Complete Practice : Backbends

    Objective: categories of asana

  91. 91 Asana Lab : Laterals

    Objective: categories of asana

  92. 92 Complete Practice : Laterals

    Objective: categories of asana

  93. 93 Asana Lab : Inversions

    Objective: categories of asana

  94. 94 Tutorial : Headstand + Shoulder Stand

    Objective: posture lab

  95. 95 Complete Practice : Inversions

    Objective: categories of asana

  96. 96 Tutorial : Jalandhara Bandha

    Objective: Containing our Prana

  97. 97 Asana Lab : Extensions

    Objective: category of asana

  98. 98 Complete Practice : Extensions

    Objective: categories of asana

  99. 99 Independent Practice : 75-Breaths

    Objective: Connecting to your Subtle Body through trustful surrender

  100. 100 Teaching Skills : Session Three

  101. 101 Practice Reflections

  102. 102 Knowledge Assessment

  103. 103 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  104. 104 Module Contents

    Objective: preview and navigate this module

  105. 105 Recordings of Live Sessions

  106. 106 Key Concepts and Reflection Questions

    Objective: What are the most important bits to learn?

  107. 107 The Gāyatrī Mantra

    Objective: Mother of the Vedas

  108. 108 Aligning with the Eternal

    Objective: So'hum Pranayama

  109. 109 Svarodaya : Science of the Breath

    Objective: Resource: The Practice of the Yoga Sutra, Sadhana Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  110. 110 Pranaśakti

    Objective: the inexhaustible elixir of life

  111. 111 Tantra's Take on Pranaśakti

    Objective: Resources : Swami Rama & Yogarupa Rod Stryker

  112. 112 An Overview of Pranayama

  113. 113 How to Practice Pranayama

    Objective: the expansion of the life force

  114. 114 Cultivate Pranic Sensitivity

  115. 115 Refine Pranic Sensitivity

    Objective: the seven preparatory pranayamas

  116. 116 Asana & Sequencing for Pranic Sensitivity

    Objective: Cultivating Pranic Sensitivity

  117. 117 Relaxation for Pranic Sensitivity

    Objective: Resolving tension, revealing prana

  118. 118 Avidya & Our Pranic Field

    Objective: the veil that hides our inner light

  119. 119 Introducing Bandhas

    Objective: another way to harness prana

  120. 120 Introducing Mudras

    Objective: Closing the energetic circuit

  121. 121 Tutorial : Vayu Mantras + Mudras

    Objective: Harness the more subtle aspects of each of the pancha prana vayus

  122. 122 Apana Vayu Meditation : Independent Practice

    Objective: The descending, eliminative energy, located at the root chakra

  123. 123 Complete Practice : Apana Vayu

    Objective: The air that moves away

  124. 124 Prana Vayu Meditation : Independent Practice

    Objective: The vitalizing/ internalizing force in the heart & head

  125. 125 Complete Practice : Attenuate the Pairs of Opposites

  126. 126 Tutorial : So'hum Pranayama

    Objective: Attenuating the Pairs of Opposites through the Breath

  127. 127 Complete Practice : Prana Vayu

    Objective: Forward moving air

  128. 128 Tutorial : Samikarana Pranayama

    Objective: To equalize

  129. 129 Samana Vayu Meditation : Independent Practice

    Objective: The assimilating, centering and balancing force, located in the abdomen

  130. 130 Complete Practice : Samana Vayu

    Objective: Balancing air

  131. 131 Practice Reflections

  132. 132 Knowledge Assessment

  133. 133 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  134. 134 Teaching Skills ~ Session 4

  135. 135 Recordings of Live Sessions

  136. 136 Vishve Deva Mantra

    Objective: Mantra Homework

  137. 137 What is Ayurveda?

    Objective: The Science of Self Care

  138. 138 The Purpose of Ayurveda

    Objective: Three primary purposes + gifts of Ayurveda

  139. 139 Sister Sciences

    Objective: Yoga + Ayurveda

  140. 140 Five Elements, Tridosha + Gunas

  141. 141 Prakruti + Vikruti

    Objective: Finding Harmony

  142. 142 Vata, Pitta, Kapha

    Objective: Looking at the Doshas in more detail

  143. 143 Discover Your Dosha

    Objective: Take the Quiz to Determine Your Ayurvedic Constitution

  144. 144 Ayurveda's Influence on Yoga

    Objective: How Ayurveda informs our sequencing

  145. 145 Healing the Doshas through Yoga

    Objective: Balancing the symptoms of excessive Vata, Pitta + Kapha

  146. 146 Ojas, Tejas + Prana

  147. 147 Agni & Ama

    Objective: The importance of digestive fire

  148. 148 Food + The Five Elements

    Objective: Supporting yourself through food

  149. 149 Ayurvedic Recipes to Try

    Objective: Kitcheri, Golden Mylk + Rasayana

  150. 150 Ayurvedic Self Care

  151. 151 Abhyanga : Warm Oil Massage

    Objective: Worshipping your body, accepting and appreciating your physical form exactly as it is.

  152. 152 Know + Heal Yourself through Ayurveda

    Objective: Prakruti + Vikruti

  153. 153 Complete Practice : Pacify Vata

  154. 154 Tutorial : Uddiyana Bandha

  155. 155 Independent Practice : Udana Vayu Meditation

    Objective: The ascending force located in the throat

  156. 156 Complete Practice : Udana Vayu

    Objective: Upward moving air

  157. 157 Tutorial : Aharana Pranayama

    Objective: To bring back home

  158. 158 Independent Practice : Vyana Vayu Meditation

    Objective: The circulating force, located everywhere, including the heart, arms and legs

  159. 159 Complete Practice : Vyana Vayu

    Objective: Outward moving air

  160. 160 Independent Practice : Vayu Balancing Meditation

  161. 161 Complete Practice : Balancing the Vayus

  162. 162 Practice Reflections

  163. 163 Knowledge Assessment

  164. 164 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  165. 165 Teaching Skills ~ Session 5

  166. 166 Recordings of Live Sessions

  167. 167 Paraśakti Invocation

    Objective: Invoking Sri

  168. 168 What is Tantra?

    Objective: The Sublime World of Tantra

  169. 169 The Tenets of Tantra

    Objective: Bhoga, Apavarga + Bhukti

  170. 170 Śakti Sādhanā

    Objective: awakening the dormant fire within

  171. 171 Historical Overview of Tantra

    Objective: For perspective

  172. 172 The Schools of Traditional Tantra

    Objective: Kaula, Samaya + Mishra

  173. 173 The Path of Tantric Hatha Yoga : Moon, Sun, Fire

    Objective: A progressive path

  174. 174 Engaging with the Moon

    Objective: Resource: my studies with Yogarupa Rod Stryker

  175. 175 Complete Practice : Calm the Moon

  176. 176 Complete Practice : Steady the Moon

  177. 177 The Role of the Breath

    Objective: Inhales, Exhales, Retentions + Suspensions

  178. 178 The Tantric Approach to Meditation

    Objective: Work with your mind, not against it

  179. 179 Working with Bandhas

    Objective: Building + containing vital energy

  180. 180 Tutorial : Mula Bandha

  181. 181 Tutorial : Breath Suspension

  182. 182 Practice Reflections

  183. 183 Knowledge Assessment

  184. 184 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  185. 185 Teaching Skills : Session Six

  186. 186 Recordings of Live Sessions

  187. 187 The Mantra Om

    Objective: Tutorial + Guided Practice

  188. 188 Meditation for the Love of It

    Objective: The importance of knowing your why

  189. 189 Why do we Meditate?

    Objective: To remember and become re-established in who we truly are

  190. 190 What is the Soul?

    Objective: and how do we experience it?

  191. 191 Get to Know Your Mind

    Objective: Best Friend or Worst Enemy?

  192. 192 Abhyasa + Vairagya

    Objective: dive in and let go

  193. 193 The Stages of Samadhi

    Objective: Refining our absorption into the absolute

  194. 194 Vishoka Meditation

    Objective: A Traditional Tantric Meditation

  195. 195 Establishing your Meditation Seat

    Objective: Steadiness and ease in your meditation seat

  196. 196 So'hum Pranayama

    Objective: seamless, ceaseless, eternal breath

  197. 197 Engaging with the Sun

    Objective: the dawning of higher awareness + expansion

  198. 198 Tutorial : Breath Retention

  199. 199 Complete Practice : Expansion

  200. 200 Tutorial : Kapalabhati

    Objective: a vigorous pranayama

  201. 201 Tutorial : Bhastrika Pranayama

    Objective: another vigorous pranayama

  202. 202 Complete Practice : Dawning of Higher Awareness

  203. 203 Complete Practice : Intuitive Sun

  204. 204 Practice Reflections

  205. 205 Knowledge Assessment

  206. 206 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  207. 207 Office Hours

  208. 208 Recordings of Live Sessions

  209. 209 The Mahāmṛtyuñjaya Mantra

    Objective: The great death conquering mantra

  210. 210 Alignment in Asana

    Objective: Thank you to Indu Arora

  211. 211 The Bare Bones of Yoga

    Objective: Exploring the skeleton

  212. 212 Anatomy for Yoga

    Objective: with Paul Grilley

  213. 213 The Respiratory System

    Objective: The beauty and potential of your breath

  214. 214 Light in the Spine

  215. 215 Anatomy of the Brain

    Objective: Important bits to know

  216. 216 On Your Nerves

    Objective: The control and communication center

  217. 217 Complete Practice : Happy, Healthy Shoulders

  218. 218 Anatomy Labs

  219. 219 Practice Reflections

  220. 220 Knowledge Assessment

  221. 221 Assignments + Mentorship Groups

  222. 222 Recordings of Live Sessions

  223. 223 Om Gam Ganapatayay Namaha

  224. 224 Our Deepest Fear

    Objective: a poem by Marianne Williamson

  225. 225 The Bhagavad Gita

    Objective: The Song of God

  226. 226 Freedom + Fulfillment

    Objective: The goal and gift of yoga

  227. 227 The Nature of Fulfillment

    Objective: Lasting Fulfillment

  228. 228 Desire + The Soul

    Objective: Excerpts from The Four Desires by Rod Stryker

  229. 229 The Purusharthas

    Objective: For the purpose of the Soul

  230. 230 I Am...

    Objective: Three words that express your essence

  231. 231 The Tree of Life

    Objective: a blessing

  232. 232 I Thrive

    Objective: Write a poem about your experience of thriving

  233. 233 What a Life!

    Objective: Cheers to a life well lived

  234. 234 Make of Your Life an Offering

    Objective: Working in partnership with the Divine

  235. 235 A Powerful Vision for Your Life

    Objective: Embracing Limitless Possibility

  236. 236 Purposeful Planning

  237. 237 How Extraordinary

    Objective: Let your loved ones weigh in

  238. 238 What's (Self) Love got to do with it?

  239. 239 Exploring Dharma

    Objective: Our soul's innate desire is to thrive.

  240. 240 Connecting with Your Dharma

    Objective: a system for gaining clarity created by Rod Stryker

  241. 241 Drafting Your Dharma Code

    Objective: Contributed by Rod Stryker from his book The Four Desires

  242. 242 Engaging with the Fire

    Objective: Illumination + Absorption

  243. 243 Tutorial : Agni Sara

  244. 244 Complete Practice : Transformative Fire

  245. 245 Practice Reflections

  246. 246 Knowledge Assessment

  247. 247 Recordings of Live Sessions

  248. 248 Om Agnimīḷe

  249. 249 Divine Love

    Objective: a contribution by bell hooks

  250. 250 Four Margas : For Living your Yoga

  251. 251 The Yoga of Love

    Objective: From Discipline to Devotion

  252. 252 An Introduction to Bhakti

    Objective: Wisdom from the Bhāgavata Purāṇa

  253. 253 Invoking the Sacred

    Objective: Wisdom from Sally Kempton

  254. 254 An Experience of Bhakti through Yoga Nidra

    Objective: With every breath, I breathe in God’s love

  255. 255 What is Mantra?

    Objective: And why is it important?

  256. 256 Why Mantra?

    Objective: The Word is the bridge

  257. 257 The Divine Word

    Objective: Transcendental Truth that chooses to manifest in the form of the Word

  258. 258 Sanskrit

    Objective: A Vibrational Language

  259. 259 Prayers + Mantras for Recitation

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  260. 260 Preparing for Mantra Sadhana

    Objective: Shedding our Impurities

  261. 261 The Essential Bhava

    Objective: Tips on Mantra Sadhana from Sally Kempton

  262. 262 So'hum

    Objective: attending the rhythm of life

  263. 263 The Importance of a Teacher

    Objective: How can we receive revelation?

  264. 264 Stepping Into Being Seen

    Objective: Owning and Living Your Purpose

  265. 265 Closing Thoughts on Sustainability

    Objective: as shared by Yogarupa Rod Stryker

  266. 266 Final Teaching Offerings

  267. 267 Practice Reflections

  268. 268 Knowledge Assessment

  269. 269 Tutorial : Diaphragmatic Breath

  270. 270 Complete Practice : Stability

    Objective: Sthiram in Practice

  271. 271 Tutorial : Healthy Breathing

  272. 272 Complete Practice : Ease

  273. 273 Tutorial : Sama Vritti

    Objective: Establishing healthy heart rate variability

  274. 274 Complete Practice : Steadiness + Ease

    Objective: For steadiness + ease

  275. 275 Tutorial : Nadi Shodhana

    Objective: Alternate Nostril Breathing

  276. 276 Complete Practice : Purify

    Objective: Stage One on the Path of Tantric Yoga

  277. 277 Tutorial : Ujjayi

  278. 278 Complete Practice : Strengthen

  279. 279 Tutorial : Building Exhale

  280. 280 Complete Practice : Forward Folds

    Objective: a category of asana

  281. 281 Systematic Relaxation : Independent Practice

  282. 282 Complete Practice : Effortless Effort

    Objective: Prayatna Shaithilya

  283. 283 Complete Practice : Twists

    Objective: a category of asana

  284. 284 Tutorial : Building Inhale

  285. 285 Complete Practice : Backbends

    Objective: categories of asana

  286. 286 Chakra Awareness : An Independent Practice

    Objective: Gaining Sensitivity to these Vortices of Energy

  287. 287 Complete Practice : Laterals

    Objective: categories of asana

  288. 288 Complete Practice : Inversions

    Objective: categories of asana

  289. 289 Complete Practice : Apana Vayu

    Objective: The air that moves away

  290. 290 Complete Practice : Prana Vayu

    Objective: Forward moving air

  291. 291 Complete Practice : Samana Vayu

    Objective: Balancing air

  292. 292 Complete Practice : Attenuate the Pairs of Opposites

  293. 293 Complete Practice : Udana Vayu

    Objective: Upward moving air

  294. 294 Complete Practice : Steady the Moon

Lessons in WE RISE a clearing:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE a clearing

  2. 2 Gathering Details

  3. 3 Support your Practice

  4. 4 Find your Resolve

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Daily Recitation

  8. 8 Day One

    Objective: You are what you seek.

  9. 9 Day Two

  10. 10 Day Three

  11. 11 Day Four

  12. 12 Day Five

  13. 13 Day Six

  14. 14 Day Seven

  15. 15 Day Eight

  16. 16 Day Nine

  17. 17 Day Ten

  18. 18 Day Eleven

  19. 19 Day Twelve

  20. 20 Day Thirteen

  21. 21 Day Fourteen

  22. 22 Day Fifteen

  23. 23 Day Sixteen

  24. 24 Day Seventeen

  25. 25 Day Eighteen

  26. 26 Day Nineteen

  27. 27 Day Twenty

  28. 28 Day Twenty One

  29. 29 Day Twenty Two

  30. 30 Day Twenty Three

Lessons in WE RISE a homecoming:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE a homecoming

  2. 2 Gathering Details

  3. 3 Support your Practice

  4. 4 Find your Resolve

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Daily Recitation

  8. 8 Day One

    Objective: What is calling you home?

  9. 9 Day Two

    Objective: Where is tension residing? And what is its nature?

  10. 10 Day Three

    Objective: How at home are you in your body?

  11. 11 Day Four

  12. 12 Day Five

  13. 13 Day Six

  14. 14 Day Seven

  15. 15 Day Eight

  16. 16 Day Nine

  17. 17 Day Ten

  18. 18 Day Eleven

  19. 19 Day Twelve

  20. 20 Day Thirteen

  21. 21 Day Fourteen

  22. 22 Day Fifteen

  23. 23 Day Sixteen

  24. 24 Day Seventeen

  25. 25 Day Eighteen

  26. 26 Day Nineteen

  27. 27 Day Twenty

  28. 28 Day Twenty One

  29. 29 Day Twenty Two

  30. 30 Day Twenty Three

  31. 31 Day Twenty Four

  32. 32 Day Twenty Five

  33. 33 Day Twenty Six

  34. 34 Day Twenty Seven

  35. 35 Day Twenty Eight

Lessons in WE RISE spiritual alchemy:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE spiritual alchemy

  2. 2 Support your Practice

  3. 3 Gathering Details

  4. 4 Find your Resolve

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Daily Recitation

  8. 8 Day One

    Objective: a soft landing

  9. 9 Day Two

    Objective: make of yourself an offering

  10. 10 Day Three

    Objective: power & purification

  11. 11 Day Four

  12. 12 Day Five

  13. 13 Day Six

  14. 14 Day Seven

  15. 15 Day Eight

  16. 16 Day Nine

  17. 17 Day Ten

  18. 18 Day Eleven

  19. 19 Day Twelve

  20. 20 Day Thirteen

  21. 21 Day Fourteen

  22. 22 Day Fifteen

  23. 23 Day Sixteen

  24. 24 Day Seventeen

  25. 25 Day Eighteen

  26. 26 Day Nineteen

  27. 27 Day Twenty

  28. 28 Day Twenty One

  29. 29 Day Twenty Two

  30. 30 Day Twenty Three

  31. 31 Day Twenty Four

  32. 32 Day Twenty Five

  33. 33 Day Twenty Six

  34. 34 Day Twenty Seven

  35. 35 Day Twenty Eight

Lessons in WE RISE the inward journey:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE

  2. 2 Support your Practice

  3. 3 Gathering Details

  4. 4 Find your Resolve

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Daily Recitation

  8. 8 Day One

    Objective: Embrace your fullness

  9. 9 Day Two

    Objective: You are eternally protected, guided, and held

  10. 10 Day Three

    Objective: You are eternally new

  11. 11 Day Four

    Objective: What is your current relationship with reality?

  12. 12 Day Five

    Objective: Your humanity is divine.

  13. 13 Day Six

    Objective: Let go with love

  14. 14 Day Seven

    Objective: Approaching the threshold of the heart

  15. 15 Day Eight

    Objective: Why is it important to you?

  16. 16 Day Nine

    Objective: Reaching your inner sanctum

  17. 17 Day Ten

    Objective: Know that you are held

  18. 18 Day Eleven

    Objective: Supported by both the sun and the moon

  19. 19 Day Twelve

    Objective: What is the message from your heart?

  20. 20 Day Thirteen

    Objective: Nourished, illumined, and made new

  21. 21 Day Fourteen

    Objective: Follow the guidance of your heart

  22. 22 Day Fifteen

    Objective: Embrace all, exclude none

  23. 23 Day Sixteen

    Objective: I see you. I acknowledge you. I accept you. I love you.

  24. 24 Day Seventeen

    Objective: Accessing our inner witness

  25. 25 Day Eighteen

    Objective: Thank you for your service

  26. 26 Day Nineteen

    Objective: There is absolutely nothing wrong in this moment.

  27. 27 Day Twenty

    Objective: Reactivity is not a problem

  28. 28 Day Twenty One

    Objective: Compassion radiates naturally

  29. 29 Day Twenty Two

    Objective: The altar of your heart.

  30. 30 Day Twenty Three

    Objective: You will be guided when you are stranded on the path.

  31. 31 Day Twenty Four

    Objective: Patience and Trust

  32. 32 Day Twenty Five

    Objective: Requesting the company of the Divine

  33. 33 Day Twenty Six

    Objective: Ride the waves of life

  34. 34 Day Twenty Seven

    Objective: The winding path

  35. 35 Day Twenty Eight

    Objective: With tremendous love

Lessons in WE RISE nurturing intimacy:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE nurturing intimacy

  2. 2 Support your Practice

  3. 3 Gathering Details

  4. 4 Find your Resolve

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  6. 6 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  7. 7 Daily Recitation

  8. 8 Day One

    Objective: What is Intimacy?

  9. 9 Day Two

    Objective: What part of the self grants us the capacity for intimacy?

  10. 10 Day Three

    Objective: Intimacy with your breath

  11. 11 Day Four

    Objective: What does the breath grant us access to?

  12. 12 Day Five

    Objective: Who are you, beyond all that you are not?

  13. 13 Day Six

    Objective: Dear Fear...

  14. 14 Day Seven

    Objective: What is my anger hiding?

  15. 15 Day Eight

    Objective: What might you discover when you turn on the lights?

  16. 16 Day Nine

    Objective: What are your distractions distracting you from?

  17. 17 Day Ten

    Objective: Where can you extend an olive branch within yourself?

  18. 18 Day Eleven

    Objective: Experiencing union in life

  19. 19 Day Twelve

    Objective: Remember who and what you truly are

  20. 20 Day Thirteen

    Objective: Who am I in meditation? How can I continue to be this person in waking life/

  21. 21 Day Fourteen

    Objective: Rest, reflect, and remember

  22. 22 Day Fifteen

    Objective: Retrace the intimate details

  23. 23 Day Sixteen

    Objective: Drawing the mystical realm into your reality

  24. 24 Day Seventeen

    Objective: What is the relationship between safety and intimacy?

  25. 25 Day Eighteen

    Objective: Exploring nurturance

  26. 26 Day Nineteen

    Objective: You are not the weather, you are the sky

  27. 27 Day Twenty

    Objective: Keep moving

  28. 28 Day Twenty One

    Objective: Know that you are a miracle

  29. 29 Day Twenty Two

    Objective: Trust that the seed will bear fruit

  30. 30 Day Twenty Three

    Objective: How have I been transformed since I started meditating?

  31. 31 Day Twenty Four

    Objective: Create a structure within which you can soar.

  32. 32 Day Twenty Five

    Objective: Let the thread of meditation weave its way through your life.

  33. 33 Day Twenty Six

    Objective: The one who lives inside you reveals herself in so many ways.

  34. 34 Day Twenty Seven

    Objective: What you are looking for is what you already are.

  35. 35 Day Twenty Eight

    Objective: May your practice of meditation unfold joyfully.

  36. 36 The Pranayamas

Lessons in WE RISE For the Love of It:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE For the Love of It

    Objective: How to Prepare

  2. 2 Gathering Details

    Objective: Zoom Login Details

  3. 3 Support Resources

    Objective: Books, props + more

  4. 4 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

    Objective: Engaging with life 'properly'

  5. 5 What's Love Got to Do with It?

    Objective: Wisdom from Sally Kempton

  6. 6 Invoking the Sacred

    Objective: Wisdom from Sally Kempton

  7. 7 Sankalpa

    Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice

  8. 8 Daily Self-Reflection

    Objective: a practice of vairagya, non attachment

  9. 9 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Daily Prayers

  10. 10 Daily Recitation Practice

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  11. 11 Sri Sukta

    Objective: Invoking auspiciousness

  12. 12 Day One

    Objective: The Potency of the Sri Sukta

  13. 13 Day Two

    Objective: Waves of beauty & bliss

  14. 14 Day Three

    Objective: The soul of meditation is the power of mantra

  15. 15 Day Four

    Objective: Experience the fullness of life

  16. 16 Day Five

    Objective: The forces of abundance have always been with us.

  17. 17 Day Six

    Objective: Living in this world is a blessing.

  18. 18 Day Seven

    Objective: Sri Sukta is a practice of inner awakening and unfoldment.

  19. 19 Day Eight

    Objective: Understanding Poverty

  20. 20 Day Nine

    Objective: Sri Lakshmi

  21. 21 Day Ten

    Objective: The Manifestation of the Goddess of Abundance

  22. 22 Day Eleven

    Objective: The resplendent pulsation of the divine

  23. 23 Day Twelve

    Objective: The tree of our life has been planted by higher reality

  24. 24 Day Thirteen

    Objective: Prosperity emerging from the mantric shakti of Sri Sukta...

  25. 25 Day Fourteen

  26. 26 Day Fifteen

    Objective: a note from Sally Kempton

  27. 27 Day Sixteen

    Objective: The inner world is filled with a loving presence.

  28. 28 Day Seventeen

    Objective: We meditate to know ourselves

  29. 29 Day Eighteen

    Objective: Meditation is best undertaken with love.

  30. 30 Day Nineteen

    Objective: Even a slight spark of interest is enough.

  31. 31 Day Twenty

    Objective: Discover how to awaken your love for meditation.

  32. 32 Day Twenty One

    Objective: There is only your unfolding inner awareness.

  33. 33 Day Twenty Two

    Objective: Be drunk with the wine of divine love.

  34. 34 Day Twenty Three

    Objective: We truly want joy in meditation.

  35. 35 Day Twenty Four

    Objective: It's enormously important to understand your goal.

  36. 36 Day Twenty Five

    Objective: 'Knowing the Self means being the Self.'

  37. 37 Day Twenty Six

    Objective: The inner world is filled with loving Presence.

  38. 38 Day Twenty Seven

    Objective: When you touch the inner Knower, you touch your essence.

  39. 39 Day Twenty Eight

    Objective: That awareness of being is utterly impersonal.

Lessons in WE RISE Claiming Clarity:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE

    Objective: How to Prepare

  2. 2 Support Resources

    Objective: Books, props + more

  3. 3 Gathering Details

    Objective: Zoom Login Details

  4. 4 Sankalpa

    Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice

  5. 5 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

    Objective: Engaging with life 'properly'

  6. 6 Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

    Objective: Daily Prayers

  7. 7 Daily Recitation Practice

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  8. 8 Claiming Clarity Day One

    Objective: Introducing Sutra 1:20

  9. 9 Claiming Clarity Day Two

  10. 10 Claiming Clarity Day Three

  11. 11 Claiming Clarity Day Four

    Objective: more from Sutra 1:20

  12. 12 Claiming Clarity Day Five

  13. 13 Claiming Clarity Day Six

  14. 14 Claiming Clarity Day Seven

  15. 15 Claiming Clarity Day Eight

  16. 16 Claiming Clarity Day Nine

  17. 17 Claiming Clarity Day Ten

  18. 18 Claiming Clarity Day Eleven

  19. 19 Claiming Clarity Day Twelve

  20. 20 Claiming Clarity Day Thirteen

  21. 21 Claiming Clarity Day Fourteen

  22. 22 Claiming Clarity Day Fifteen

  23. 23 Claiming Clarity Day Sixteen

  24. 24 Claiming Clarity Day Seventeen

  25. 25 Claiming Clarity Day Eighteen

  26. 26 Claiming Clarity Day Nineteen

  27. 27 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty

  28. 28 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-One

  29. 29 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Two

  30. 30 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Three

  31. 31 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Four

  32. 32 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Five

    Objective: Avidya

  33. 33 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Six

  34. 34 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Seven

  35. 35 Claiming Clarity Day Twenty-Eight

Lessons in WE RISE Vishoka Meditation®:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE RISE

    Objective: How to Prepare

  2. 2 Resources

    Objective: Books, Props and more

  3. 3 Zoom Details

    Objective: Zoom Login Details

  4. 4 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

    Objective: Engaging with life 'properly'

  5. 5 Prayers of the Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  6. 6 The Gāyatrī Mantra

    Objective: Mother of the Vedas

  7. 7 The Mahāmṛtyuñjaya Mantra

    Objective: The Great Death-Conquering Mantra

  8. 8 Viśve Deva Sūkta

    Objective: my constant protector day by day

  9. 9 Sadhana Sankalpa

    Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice

  10. 10 A Complete Practice for Vishoka Meditation

    Objective: Asana, Savasana + Vishoka Meditation

  11. 11 Day One : viśokā vā jyotiṣmatī

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  12. 12 Day Two : Concentrating on the Lotus of the Heart

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  13. 13 Day Three : We Know the Truth About Ourselves

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  14. 14 Day Four : Riding the Wave of Joy

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  15. 15 Day Five : A Condition of Inner Luminosity

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  16. 16 Day Six : Eternally Connected

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  17. 17 Day Seven : Intuitive Wisdom is the Deliverer

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  18. 18 Day Eight : The Light of Pure Consciousness

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  19. 19 Day Nine : Our True Abode

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  20. 20 Day Ten : The Nectar of the Lotus of the Heart

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  21. 21 Day Eleven : A State of Supernal Bliss

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  22. 22 Day Twelve : Inner Illumination

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  23. 23 Day Thirteen : Two Facets of the Same Experience

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  24. 24 Day Fourteen : Absolute Clarity

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  25. 25 Day Fifteen : We Are Free

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  26. 26 Day Sixteen : The World Made of Freedom

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  27. 27 Day Seventeen : Stable and Well Defined

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  28. 28 Day Eighteen : Awareness of Pure Being

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  29. 29 Day Nineteen : The Light Intensifies and Becomes Well Defined

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  30. 30 Day Twenty : Gateway to the Lotus of the Heart

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  31. 31 Day Twenty-One : Journey to the Lotus of the Heart

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  32. 32 Day Twenty-Two : We Are In It and It is In Us

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  33. 33 Day Twenty-Three : Our Purity is Restored

    Objective: The Secret of the Yoga Sutra : Samadhi Pada by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  34. 34 Day Twenty-Four : We Understand Who We Are

  35. 35 Day Twenty-Five : Practice is Simply 'Being There'

  36. 36 Day Twenty-Six : We Remain Aware of Our Self Luminous Nature

  37. 37 Day Twenty-Seven : a Note from Panditji

    Objective: Preface of Vishoka Meditation by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

  38. 38 Day Twenty-Eight : Take Ownership of Your Experience

Lessons in WE REST:

  1. 1 Welcome to WE REST

    Objective: How to Prepare

  2. 2 Support Resources

    Objective: Books, props + more

  3. 3 What is Shadow?

    Objective: Wisdom from Goldmining the Shadows by Pixie Lighthorse

  4. 4 Healing Sankalpa

    Objective: Honor your healing

  5. 5 Gathering Details

    Objective: Zoom Login Details

  6. 6 WE REST Sadhana Sankalpa

    Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice

  7. 7 Tending your Shadow Compassionately

    Objective: compassion is the remedy

  8. 8 Prayers of the Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  9. 9 Daily Recitation Practice

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  10. 10 Day One

    Objective: How Shadows Are Made

  11. 11 Day Two

    Objective: Self Regulation

  12. 12 Day Three

    Objective: Belonging + Connection

  13. 13 Day Four

    Objective: Shadow's Specialties

  14. 14 Day Five

    Objective: Unrelenting Voices

  15. 15 Day Six

    Objective: Masking Pain

  16. 16 Day Seven

    Objective: Ears Up for Self-Talk

  17. 17 Day Eight

    Objective: No Place Like Home

  18. 18 Day Nine

    Objective: Call It What It Is

  19. 19 Day Ten

    Objective: Dissociation

  20. 20 Day Eleven

    Objective: Guilt + Shame

  21. 21 Day Twelve

    Objective: Sabotage

  22. 22 Day Thirteen

    Objective: Feel It to Heal It

  23. 23 Day Fourteen

    Objective: How You Know

  24. 24 Day Fifteen

    Objective: An Eye For Treasure

  25. 25 Day Sixteen

    Objective: Excruciating Vulnerability

  26. 26 Day Seventeen

    Objective: Unbearable Discomfort

  27. 27 Day Eighteen

    Objective: False Comfort

  28. 28 Day Nineteen

    Objective: Self Loathing

  29. 29 Day Twenty

    Objective: The Rage of Self-Betrayal

  30. 30 Day Twenty One

    Objective: Objectification

  31. 31 Day Twenty Two

    Objective: What the Shadow is Hungry For

  32. 32 Day Twenty Three

    Objective: Injured Pride

  33. 33 Day Twenty Four

    Objective: Spiritual Battles

  34. 34 Day Twenty Five

    Objective: The Return of Vitality

  35. 35 Day Twenty Six

    Objective: Relationship Improvements

  36. 36 Day Twenty Seven

    Objective: Me and We

  37. 37 Day Twenty Eight

    Objective: Brightening

  38. 38 Honoring the Darkness

    Objective: Let your Shadow inform your Light

Lessons in Vishoka Meditation® Course:

  1. 1 Gathering Details

    Objective: Gathering Details

  2. 2 Resources

    Objective: Books, Props and more

  3. 3 Prayers of the Tradition

    Objective: Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

  4. 4 Prayers for Daily Recitation

    Objective: For ease in daily recitation...

  5. 5 Sadhana Sankalpa

    Objective: Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice

  6. 6 The Tradition of Vishoka Meditation®

  7. 7 Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle

  8. 8 Restoring the Mind's Pristine Nature

  9. 9 Cultivating Healthy Breath

  10. 10 Cultivating Pranic Sensitivity

  11. 11 Refining Pranic Sensitivity through Pranayama

  12. 12 Prana Oriented Asana

  13. 13 Finding Our Seat

  14. 14 Discovering our Inner Space Through Relaxation

  15. 15 Bringing the Mind Back Home

  16. 16 Cultivating Inner Balance

  17. 17 Four Points of Experience

  18. 18 The Complete Practice of Vishoka Meditation

  19. 19 Refining Our Practice of Vishoka Meditation

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