WE RISE a clearing

Deep at the very center of your heart there is a clearing. Beautiful, tender, serene, untouched by the taint of the world. In this clearing you know yourself to be who and what you truly are: a unique expression of the divine, the intelligent, benevolent consciousness and creative energy which shapes, sustains, and transforms the worlds. 

In this clearing you are free to run and dance and laugh and play; to be the fullest expression of your unique self. Here your wings have never been clipped. You have never been silenced. You have never been made to carry more than your share. Here you have always been cherished; a celebrated child; a gift of, and by, and for the divine. You know it. You have always known.

In this round of WE RISE we will set our course for this clearing. We may not get there in 20 days. But then again, we might. There is no greater journey than the journey to the center of your own heart. There is no greater service you can offer the world than becoming who the world most needs you to be - your fullest and most authentic self. As you become this self you effortlessly inspire others to seek out their own clearing and begin the journey to the center of their heart, too.

What a world this would be if we all knew without a doubt that we are loved, that we are cherished, that we matter, that we have a unique gift we alone can bring into the world. There is nothing to compete for. There is no such thing as scarcity. There is always enough. We are always enough. This is a truth we discover in the clearing.

Join our meditation community for 20-days of daily practice including...

candle gazing

recitation of the daily prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

establishment of healthy breathing

guided relaxation




community conversation

Monday, 2nd December - Friday, 27th December

6-7am Pacific

9-10am Eastern

10-11am Atlantic

2-3pm UK

3-4pm Western Europe

4-5pm Western Africa

We gather on Zoom.

All gatherings are recorded and uploaded to Heights

30 Lessons

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Welcome to WE RISE

Welcome to WE RISE a clearing

Gathering Details

Support your Practice

Find your Resolve

Adopting a Yogic Lifestyle


Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition

Daily Recitation


Day One

You are what you seek.

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight

Day Nine

Day Ten

Day Eleven

Day Twelve

Day Thirteen

Day Fourteen

Day Fifteen

Day Sixteen

Day Seventeen

Day Eighteen

Day Nineteen

Day Twenty

Day Twenty One

Day Twenty Two

Day Twenty Three