Vishoka Meditation® Course
Discover your Inner Sanctuary
1 - 12 January, 2024
Monday through Friday
Guided by Certified Vishoka Meditation® Teacher, Natalie Backman
Imagine a life free from pain and sorrow—infused with joy and tranquility.
The ancient yogis called this state vishoka, and insisted that we all can reach it. The key is a precise set of meditative techniques designed to unite mind and breath, and turn them inward.
Inherit the Wisdom of a Living Tradition
Drawing upon both yoga and tantra Vishoka Meditation® shares the essence of ancient source texts including the Yoga Sutra, Lotus Sutra and Shiva Sutra, and is grounded in the authentic wisdom of ancient, yet living, tradition embodied by luminaries including Buddha, Patanjali, and a long line of Siddha masters.
Vishoka Meditation® is the perfect complement and culminating experience for your existing yoga practice, as well as a powerful stand-alone meditation practice. Invite this practice into your life in a meaningful way and receive greater freedom and fulfillment with each passing day.
Experience Vishoka Meditation®
The heart of Vishoka Meditation® is a technique that is spiritually-grounded, yet highly systematic and experiential. But Vishoka Meditation® is more than technique—it is a living practice supported by a rich body of wisdom, refined over countless generations.
Gain proficiency in the practice of Vishoka Meditation®
Join me for the upcoming Vishoka Meditation® Course (Level 1) and dive deep into the profound teachings and practices of Vishoka Meditation®: a practice for the freedom and fulfillment of self-mastery. In this in-depth, experiential training, learn key foundational practices, explore the spiritual origins of Vishoka Meditation®, and receive direct guidance from an officially certified Vishoka Meditation Teacher®, Natalie Backman.
1 - 12 January
5 - 7:30am Pacific
8 - 10:30am Eastern
1 - 3:30pm England
2 - 4:30pm Western Africa & Europe
Platform live streamed via Zoom
Investment $350
*This course is offered in partnership with the Himalayan Institute and fulfills a pre-requisite for the Vishoka Meditation® Teacher Training.
*Interested participants are strongly encouraged to enroll in WE RISE, an introductory experience of Vishoka Meditation® with Natalie Backman.
19 Lessons
Welcome to Vishoka Meditation®
Gathering Details
Gathering Details
Books, Props and more
Prayers of the Tradition
Prayers of the Himalayan Tradition
Prayers for Daily Recitation
For ease in daily recitation...
Sadhana Sankalpa
Bringing Reverence and Resolve to our Practice